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Michaela Grosbois
Perfect welcome, advice, price and professionalism! 👍 Thank you for everything 🙏
Great agency Salespeople at the top and listening I advise
Kali Kim
Very good commercial, vehicle delivered to home without problems and on time. To be redone for a second vehicle. Buy with your eyes closed!
arnaud velun
telephone contact for the purchase of a used vehicle with a seller saying very busy and overwhelmed, obviously not wishing to inform too much or sell you the car, but still keep you aside for a few days with 1 or 2 small text messages per day to ensure to have a "spare wheel" buyer ... and of course announces to you after the car is sold ..... the slightest correction will have been to say from the start that the car was being sold and not make me lose my time for 3 days ....
palonico lau
4 interventions in 2 months ... !!! I'm not used to complaining, but it is clear that abusing the kindness of customers is a particularly successful cultural art at Mazda Soupizet in Arnage. 1 - (July 1, 2020) I first brought our Mazda 3 for its annual servicing with technical control. Out of the latter I was informed that the pads only have 5 to 10,000 km. 2 - I then ask to change them because I don't want to be bothered like the last time (...) and come back. I pay the same day (July 1, 2020) and therefore make an appointment following. 3 - I go home with my freshly fitted pads a few days later and find that the left mirror no longer works. Surprisingly it was working perfectly that morning. In short, I am going back for the 3rd time (July 20, 2020) and, Grand Prince, financially contributes to the costs incurred as if I was at fault for anything ... 4 - This morning (August 26, 2020) We take the car and the sound of scrap metal is heard at the rear right. Tired of war, we go back to Mazda for the pads ??? Total amazement because for me they had been changed in early July. And no, because only the front pads were concerned. Knowing that the first replacement was done at 44000km and that the rear is changed every second, it must have been too complicated to deduce that it was necessary to replace the rear linings ... Mazda Soupizet has therefore become for us a place of life (...) where, of course, the welcome is pleasant, but as regards the inconvenience caused, you will have to live with it. Not to mention that for the degradation of your vehicle, you will have to participate in the financial effort. We could expect a better consideration of expectations and, if necessary, a minimum gesture.
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